How am I???
After some rough days I am sick, having a bad cold, at home now...
Yesterday I couldn't speak, my voice was gone!!!
So working was not an option!!! Today is still not great, but it's getting better. Last weekend I had the bridalshower of my little sister. It was a great day. On friday we had sister noght with my other sister and had a great night togehther. Movie night and chatting with eachother...We planned to do this more often!
I made some stuff for the teacher of my DD. He became a father!!!I made a little bear for his son...
Emma had her birthdayparty last wednesday. Alle her friends where there... She had great presents!!! We ate pancakes and made beautiful creations of shrink plastic...
These are the goodby presents for the teachers. After the summer the kids are going to a new school EBS de FonteinThis week they will say goodbey at their old school and for the teachers I made a peronal handcarved stamp with a noteblock that i made myself by using several tutorials
I used white glue that I bought at Wibra(for the dutchies)
The baskets are made from hama beads...Tutorial found here
The kids will receive these ducky's...