Good friday..
Today is Good Friday. The day that Jesus Died on Calvery for our sin, so we could be free and come to the Father(God) freely! HE TOOK THE BLAME!!!
That what we remember today!Today Daan Emma and Rolf went to cut their hair!
Emma had her hair so long, that the hair dresser asked if I was shure to cut it so short! We both where shure! She loves her new hair!
Yesterday night I also Finished a new layout of Daan!
I used 7 gypsies paper and so...
2 opmerkingen:
Wat een leuke koppies. Vooral Emma,lekker pittig en veel makkelijker te onderhouden.Mooie Lo's.
Fijne en gezegende paasdagen,
pa en ma
thanks so much my dear sister in christ for leaving so much love in my blog;)
luv your sweeet creations.and beautiful family u have!
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