Tea Rose Home Sponsors and Giveaways: Giveaway by Living Room Furniture
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Tea Rose Home Sponsors and Giveaways: Giveaway by Living Room Furniture
It's a great giveaway! Just remember to sign in!!!
Tea Rose Home Sponsors and Giveaways: Giveaway by Living Room Furniture
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woensdag, december 30, 2009
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This week I am at home. Free from work! Did a lot of creative things!!!This card i made for selma 's mom she had her b'day!
The kids enjoyed the snow. Together we made a snowman!
Fien loves to dress up with great result!!! LOL!
Monday night we had a lampion walk in Emmen. The lampion parade had 3600 lampions!!! A record is set! Because the record in the guiniss book, was less. Only this won't be in it, but Emmen did it!!!! There was also a fire spitter! Awesome!!!
And I finished the xmas presents for my sisters...they will receive a handmade card set of 6 cards...vintage shabby look!
A perfect xmas skirt for myself!!!! Yes, finally I created someting for myself... I also made a little one for Fien because I had some fabric left...
I love this fabric it is velvet with awesome flowers!!!!
Great news today! Emma may go for her swimming diploma A on January 9th!!! today she got the paper that shows she may go for it!!! We where so proud on her!!!
Made aslo some tilda hearts!!!
For all off you I wish you a blessed christmas! And a great and awesome 2010!!!
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woensdag, december 23, 2009
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On monday nigth we wnet to China festival of lights in our home town...
For you who are in the neigbuurhood... COME AND SEE! it's so beautiful!Nice idea to do in the coming holiday weeks!
On december 21th there's a big lantern parade in emmen We also will go there.
but that's only next monday!
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vrijdag, december 18, 2009
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Just before the weekend started I found this awesome book at the bookstore!!! Couldn't resist buying it!!! It so full of inspiration! On the way to my parents I looked it over so much!
We had an awesome weekend! We went to my parents...
First we had a wedding on friday! Than at saturday we went to the winter efteling! That was awesome especially for the kids!!! Grandma had told them already about the efteling... they had never been there. So All the things where new! Emma and fien also went with mom and da in the bobslee ride!!! WHAT A GIRLS!!!! HEAVY!!! Mama didn't almost dare to go in but... I had to! And Yes we SCREAMED!!!!!
Today we went to my sister and brother in law... They had their birthday! And YES! My tilda doll was welcome!!!! my sister loved the doll and the other presents we bought for them.
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zondag, december 13, 2009
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I found some real great idea's on the internet!!!
Ukhandmade has a great online magazine with awesome idea's in it. These are two of my favorites that I put on my to do list!
At ruffles and stuff found a great no sew cape!And the great idea to make ruffle collar and cuffs...
This cutie skirt I found at Tea Rose Home with a tutorial...
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donderdag, december 10, 2009
1 friends responded
A new week started again!
Sinterklaas has left Holland and now we can make the house up for Xmas!
The kids had all their presents for Sinterklaas...
So happy they where with all they've got! My girls loved their baboushka's I made for them... only they think sinterklaas made them... LOL! what a trofees,not only at home, but also at daddy's work, mommy's work and at grandpa and grandma's house...
Mama got cute clear stamps, stazon ink, and a bias maker... Awesome gifts!!!
Grandpa played Sinterklaas and had a friend to play Zwarte piet!For those of you who don't know Sinterklaas just look HERE!
Grandpa sinterklaas and his friend Zwarte piet
It was a great week, but I am glad it is over now....
I also made my sister a tilda doll for her birthday! It´s an angel in brown... Found myself a new way of doing hair on a tilda doll and I love it! I use whool instead of the expensive tilda hair!!! a knot of whool is about €0,99 and I can do so many tilda dolls with it I can't figure out how many but ... a lot!!!!!
I love the way the doll turned out. It is also the first one with a sweater!!!!
Hope she will love it as much as I do!?!
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maandag, december 07, 2009
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