Tutorial Bag organizer
I made myself a bagorganizer. No more bags in the room on the floor...
I have tried to make you a tutorial...My fisrt one...
Tutorial bag organizer
Printable version of the tutorial you can find here
What you need…
• Strong fabric ( I used curtain fabric)
• clothes hanger ( I used one for children clothes)
• sewing machine
Measure the hanger
and cut the right shape...
and make a little seam at the top Seam the sides and the curved sides of the fabric so you clothes hanger will fit in it and hold the fabric well.
Seam the smaller fabrics that will make your holders for the bags. Size them for your own bags!!!
Them pinn them on the large babric and sew them... I let the first overlap the second and so on...
If you like make some applicé on the holders....
And this will be the result...
Good luck with it!
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13 opmerkingen:
Brilliant!! I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
Hallo Miranda,
Bedankt voor je reactie op mijn blog! heb even op de jouwe gekeken maar jij bent echt super creatief!
Leuk hoor!
Groetjes Jolanda.
How clever! This is such a great idea! Thank you for linking to my party!
Thank you for this great tut!! I linked to your tutorial on my blog.
Eleonora, an Italian girl in Sweden
I use the plastic one just like this, but this is an better idea, I'll try this, now I am going to share this nice idea with my friends at my blog with your link, thanks for sharing, love from Turkiye :))
Wauw, gaaf gedaan joh!
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Wat een goeie tutorial! Dankjewel! Weer iets op mijn lijstje om te maken. Lijkt me ook handig op de meidenkamers voor de donald ducks en tina's
XO Heidi
Hi Miranda,
I've awarded you a blog award. Please stop by my blog to pick it up.
Thanks for sharing this tutorial! I have a mini collection of bags and this is what I basically need for their storage.
Wow what a great idea! I have bags hanging on doors all over the house, now I can have them in one place. Nice tutorial, very easy to follow!
Thanks so much!
Nou Miranda, je bent nog steeds erg ijverig zie ik!!
En je dochters al net zo!!
Leuke tutorial!!
Groetjes van Thea
Non vedo il tutorial....mi puoi dare le misure dei vari pezzi? Grazie
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