a lot to share!!
It has been quite a week this week...
I worked a lot and had some great crafting thingss finished!
Last aturday the second hockey field has been opend by Maartje Goderie, the dutch hockey star! The kids had her signature... emma on her hockey stick and daan on his hockey ball! PICTURES not to forget!!!!
Emma and daan were so proud that the took it to school to show! How much are people indicated by football! is this taken at foorball? NO!!!! HOCKEY!!!
I finished the tulip pants for fien... here you can find the tutorial and pattern! AWESOME!The owl I saw at megbud3000 on flikr! I loved it so much I had to mae one on fiens pants!!!!I finished my cuties for swapbot "Vossenjocht" for october. I had to use the words given in the swap announcement and... I almost used every word! I hope my swap partner will like these cuties!
a red polkadot teapot holder filled with cinnamon and a little hedgie drawn with fabric paint.When you put something warm on it, it will smell the wonderfull smell of cinnamon
A crochet cupcake keyholder.
A Hedgie pin with leaves and little acorns on it. A little purse to storage made from a knittedd old sweater embellished with a crochet flower. it had to be profile based... I did my best!!!!
I also finished the MP4 player holder for Emma! Made from fabric I used for her b'day dress!!!!
4 opmerkingen:
Hi Miranda,
Your pants looks fantastic!
Leuk hoor die broek en ook die handtekeningen. Tot gauw, XXXmam
Wat leuk dat ze de tijd nam om op de foto te gaan en handtekeningen uit te delen. Kan me voorstellen dat Daan en Emma er trots op zijn. Geweldige broek heb je gemaakt. Je bent weer creatief bezig.
Verder alles goed met jullie? Wij hebben hier nu herfstvakantie.
Liefs uit Rotterdam.
Ik ben er superblij mee!!!! Dank je wel!!!! Echt alles is leuk!!! Helemaal 'ikke' ;-) Geweldig!!! Groetjes, Nancy
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