31 maart, 2011
24 maart, 2011
Nice things to make....AND MY CAKE WORKSHOP
I found nice tutorials for making hairbows!!!!
I had a cake workshop about two weeks ago... It was a great evening in our church with about 20 women who joined.
We all made a beautiful cake and learned how to work with fondant and coloring it, making nice creations on it...
I LOVED it!!! The cake has got as theme: 12th anniversary. At march 26th it is 12 years ago I married my dear husband! So... a second wedding cake???!!!! Great way to make one. You perfectly can freez the cake... so no problem!
I also sent my softie swap for swapoth... It is a little kokeshi doll painted on fabric and at the bag there is space to put a loveley note in it... The receiver has to stuff her own dolly...
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donderdag, maart 24, 2011
friends responded
18 maart, 2011
New creations....
I recycled my rugby shirt. I did not wear it because it went crowling up. So.... It turned into a sweater for Fien! it's sooo awesome when she wears it.
I also recycled my old DEPT skirt. It was hard to say goodby to this great wearable skirt, but when wholes are falling in it...So it turned into a bag. I used the reversible bag tutorial by very purple person. I put two inches on the fold, so it went wider
.. Loved it so much that I also made my little sister one for her B'day!
For my vossenjacht swap I made a real dutchy style teacosy... It turned out great I think! i also made other stuff, but that I will show later, but my teacosy I wanted to share with you all.
Knofje blogged about her little bear friends... I could not resist making two cuties!!! There's a pattern and a great tutorial!!!
posted here:
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vrijdag, maart 18, 2011
friends responded
10 maart, 2011
Lots of fun
Look what we have here... Fien has got her glasses now! She is soooo proud to have them! When we went to the shop last week to seek for a nice pair of glasses, she had deffenetly her own taste... Lucky for mommy that I liked them too and daddy liked them also!
As we where finished, we went out of the store and she stoped:"Where are my glasses now???"I had to tell her that we have to wait aboout 1 week and then we can pick them up... She talked about her glasses all week and today was her moment to get them!!! She put the pink ones on and kept them on!!! Just see taht little face....
I made different bento this week...The first is our Yummie pasta salade with Loads of garlic in it...The second and third have pita's filled with a corn, grilled pepper, cucumber, creamcheese, italian herbs, garlic and salade... Yummie filling.
A present for Emma's friend. a little toiletrybag
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donderdag, maart 10, 2011
friends responded
06 maart, 2011
Finally I can blog again!!!!
Finally my computer is newly installed!!! I had so much troubles on it...
I couldn't update my blog because of that! But, here I am again.
Last week we had to start up our normal life again after one week of wintersport in Savognin!!! We had a great ski holiday there!
Just before the kids started holidays, they had a project about clothing at school.
Emma created such a beautiful had of paper....AWESOME!!!!
Some creation from the past weeks: ...
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zondag, maart 06, 2011
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