the xmas musical and ice skating!!!!
At the 25 th of december we had a musical in our church about xmas in the circus...
Emma was an animal ( white bear), Daan was innkeeper and Fien...she just enjoyed watching as well as mom and dad!
All about today... The girls went with my parents in law yesterday after the xmas diner. Daan stayed at home, just with mom and dad!
This morning we went into town and had a surprise for him... Ice skating in the city... We had some spare tickets for rent and enterence and wnted to iceskate with hi. Our big boy!!! Never has skated...but he had so much fun!!!
Here some of our great moments on the ice chocolate to warm up afterwarts...
Afeter the ice skating experience we went to my father in law's b'dday... and tonight the girs went home with us again!
Monday my parents will come and stay until new year!!!

5 opmerkingen:
Leuke foto's hoor! Vooral Daan op glas ijs!!! Tot maandag, mam.
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! It's exciting to "meet" another paper/digi scrapper! :)
Wat een leuke foto's en wat kan Daan al goed schaatsen!
Veel plezier de komende dagen met je ouders.
Liefs, Selma
Wat een leuke foto's joh!
Fijne dagen gewenst!!
Inderdaad erg leuke foto's. Het is goed te zien dat Daan er veel plezier van had:)
En ook de musical ziet er leuk uit. Daan als stoere barman, en Emma met haar Robijntjepet.
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