A heavy last week
Last week was heavy. Emma was sick, she had a dubble otitis. She had a very high fever from saturday until thursday.Thursday we had the funaral of my hubby's grandpa. For the kids it was the first time they experienced this. It was so good and they where so brave!!! we are thankfull for all hose people who where there! It was a heavy day!
At friday fever went down and faded away...
I thought she could go to school one day My husbands grandfather is burried and the kids went also to the funeral. It was the first time for them to that week, but it was not an option. i made the bento's for the kids and also hers. She was laying on the couch and I asked her what she would eat. She asked me if she had a bento too... And mommy made hr one!! She was smiling and enjoing the food of her bento..
the picture below is the bento I made; wraprolls with luncheonmeat and creamchese, star liver sausage, star cucomber. cherry tomatoes, a little pig made from bread and cocos cheese, bread squares withcolored sprinkels,oreo's and snack crackers.
below some other bento's... thuesday's bento
friday's bento, this was mine!!!!
this was the bento for yesterday!!!!
This was the bento for me and my Hubbie! i made two of these.... He liked it very much!
tomorrow's bento's are finished. I made mickey mouse heart banana bread and a egg salade heart sandwich, some raisains, tomatoes,mini pepperoni sausage, rice crackers and cookies... also they get a little box with fresh mixed fruit to go. I freezed some fruit last summer and put it into their boxes.
I had a great set of 7 boxes this week at Aldi.Great size for bento's and fruit!!!!
Here is a picture of my home made egg salade...
And... the recipe ( sorry first in dutch I will translate later!)
It tasted great!!!!
Eiersalde italianoIngrediënten
Voor 10 boterhammen
•4 eieren
•2 a 3 eetl. Mayonaise ( of halvanaise)
1 groot bekertje crème fraîche
1 ½ theelepel bruchetta
Gemalen knoflook poeder
2 theelepels italiaanse kruiden( oil & vinigar)
Bereidingswijze Kook de eieren in 7 minuten hard. Kruimel de eieren fijn met en eisnijder of vork.
Meng de mayonaise, crème fraîche en de kruiden door elkaar.
Voeg de eieren erbij en zet het één uur in de koelkast.
Doe het in een goed afsluitbaar bakje dan is het in de koelkast zeker 3 dagen houdbaar
Lekker op brood, sandwich, toast e.d.
English version:
Italiano eggsalade for 10 pieces of bread.
4 eggs
2-3 eatingspoons of mayonaise
1 cup creme fraich
pepper and salt to your own taste
1,5 ts bruchetta
molded garlic
2 ts italian herbs
Cook your eggs for 7 minutes and after cooking crumble the eggs in a large bowl.
I used my egg cutter, but you also can use a fork.
Mix the mayonaise, creme fraiche and the herbs together and add the eggs.
Put the salade into the frich for 1 hour.
You can easy keep the salade good in tupperware for at least 3 days!!!!
Nice on toast, bread and so on...
And finally I show you a little bag I made to go with the birthday dress for the daughter of our friends. I cannot show you the dress yet... but it is made from the same fabric as the bag...