some creations I made ....
I love to make handcarved stamps out of earasers! They are cheap to buy and awesome to work with!!! I made this robot for my sons friend. My pile of stamps is growing fast.. soon I will show you more of them.
I also did a few swaps again.
High tea swap:

I also did a few swaps again.
High tea swap:
vossenjacht mei:
At the teachers birthday celebration the kids gave their teachers a jar of home made jam. I made some cute deks and... labels on it with my handcarved stamps!!! They loved the gift. The fruit is coming from our own really made and let grow by me( and my heavenly Father that makes my fruit grow!!!)
I also made a grab dress for the fancy fair of the new school where the kids are going to after this summer. they go to the first evangelical basicschool of the North of the Netherlands! EBS De fontein starts in september. We had a fancy fair to raise money for some play ground climbing stuff on the square of the school.
I had a table with all kind of handmade stuff to sell. some cute elastics for girls hair, dolls, handbags, totes etc..
I still sell these things for this good purpose so if you are interested, just let me know or head over to my webshop!
This is made for the vossenjacht of june... I made a picknick messangerbag that is lined with insulation so it willl keep stuff cool! I think it turned out great! Gonna make myself one for this summer!!!

3 opmerkingen:
Wat een super gave stempels heb je gemaakt. Je bent ook zó creatief met dat soort dingen. Geweldig. Las dat je een webshop had? Wat is de naam?
Alles goed met jullie?
Hier nog twee weken school en dan zomervakantie. Dus druk bezig met de afscheidscadeautjes voor de juffen :)
Liefs uit Rotterdam
P.S Die filmpjes waren een succes. Naomi vond die met het hartje wel het proberen waard.
Hoi Miranda,
Ik dacht dat je blog overgenomen was,kreeg ineens een rare site onder jou naam. Toen ben ik maar eens gaan zoeken via google en vond je gelukkig weer.
Leuk die stempels!
Groetjes Thea♥
Hoi Miran,
Heb je mijn mail ontvangen?
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