29 maart, 2008
Déjavu and more...
This one is called Déjavu because Emma does the same thing as I did when I had the same age as her on this photo!
My parents where one day shopping in a shop for furnuture.They went looking and when the clark of the shop opened a door of a drawer I came out...
When we moved to the nord of the nethrlandsin 2006, we stayed for one month at a summerhouse... There we had a kitchen with these drawers... emma got into it when I was cooking... So funny to see the same things come back...
These other layouts are from xmas 2005; daan was helping to decoratethe tree!
One of mont saleve of last summer...
One of Emma in summer 2005, so much fun her in the bucket of |Sikkens. ( this is an old paint bucket of my father...) We didn't have a baby bath with us for one night on the campingplace where my parents stayed!
The other one is daddy playing with the kids...for Emma's album.
Have to catch up making the album...about 2 years behind now!!!!
2 years ago I printed 1.000 pictures to scrap! Now I still have a lot of pictures to scrap! Most layouts are clean and simple, but some do take a lot of time! Not evey day as mutch inspiration....
Have a wonderful weekend every1!
Gepost door
zaterdag, maart 29, 2008
friends responded
26 maart, 2008
I have been scrappin'....
Tree layouts for Emma's album finished again! Last two evenings I am very busy scrappin'...It feels so good to finish all these layouts and some for the sketch challange of Scrap! So those I do not yet publish here....
These are for Emma´s album...This one is for Daan´s album...
These are for Emma´s abum and Fien´s album. Have still a lot of photo´s to scrap of them! This is a layout for Fien! Our little girl is growing so fast! This one is a special one! My frien knutselfreak and her Daughter Naomi came to visit us. The grls are almost the same age...Just As Selma and I only have a change of 9 months in age!!! We always have known eachother and always have been friends... So this Lo is about special friends!
Gepost door
woensdag, maart 26, 2008
friends responded
25 maart, 2008
scripture challange 11 listen
I just made my scripture challange page!
Thanx to Jojanneke's inspiration again!. She ahas made cards with such a cute lillte monkey! When I saw it I knew I had to make it because of those cute ears!!!!
Gepost door
dinsdag, maart 25, 2008
friends responded
23 maart, 2008
That's what we do remeber and celebrate today!
Jesus did rise up from the dead! He showed Himself to a lot of people that witnessed and confessed that He was really risen!
He Is Risen by Greg Olsen depicts the following Bible story:
As she wept outside His tomb, Mary Magdalene was the first person to whom the resurrected Christ appeared. Radiant in the early morning light, His hands and feet scarred from the nails, He stoops to comfort His friend:
"On that first Easter morning, the Risen Lord, Himself, reassured a sad and questioning Mary Magdalene that He is real and that, yes, He lives!"
-- Greg Olsen
As i was looking for beatiiful pictures of easter I fund this super cool picture!!!!!
I love this one! there is a great website to it.
After we got back from church we put on our older cloths and went to the forest in Meppen. It was such a beautiful day! the weatherforcast told it would snow...oh no that was really not right! We had a lovely little spring sun that was even a little warm every now and than! Other parts of the Netherlands really had snow! We did not!
Gepost door
zondag, maart 23, 2008
friends responded
22 maart, 2008
Silent saturday
Today is silent saturday. It is the day that remebers that Jesus died on the cross, but it is not the end of the story!
Tomorrow will be easter!
HE is RISEN!!!!
That's what easter is about!
I scraped this afternoon with the kids and made a simple layout myself..
Like the result!
Gepost door
zaterdag, maart 22, 2008
friends responded
21 maart, 2008
Good friday..
Today is Good Friday. The day that Jesus Died on Calvery for our sin, so we could be free and come to the Father(God) freely! HE TOOK THE BLAME!!!
That what we remember today!Today Daan Emma and Rolf went to cut their hair!
Emma had her hair so long, that the hair dresser asked if I was shure to cut it so short! We both where shure! She loves her new hair!
Yesterday night I also Finished a new layout of Daan!
I used 7 gypsies paper and so...
Gepost door
vrijdag, maart 21, 2008
friends responded
20 maart, 2008
Scripture challange week 11
This page is made from non traditional scrapstuff.
I used a paper bag and one of the pages from the notebook I use as my basic page.
The two notpads are basic for my scripture verses.
I used 3 scriptures for this challange. They are the ones I loved most of all the 1112 scriptures with the word "live"!
How often God uses this word in His Word!
Gepost door
donderdag, maart 20, 2008
friends responded
Scripture challange #10
I just finished my page for week 10 for the scripture challange by faithsisters.
The word was grace! The Grace of God is so awesome! By His Grace we are saved!!!!
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donderdag, maart 20, 2008
friends responded
My other blog
I started another blog today with my favorite gospel youtube and godtube clips.
Here you can find it so much fun!!!!
Gepost door
donderdag, maart 20, 2008
friends responded
19 maart, 2008
After a very busy periode, I finally have some time to update my blog!
We started a 40 days project in our church.
It's so great to see that God changes the lives op people througout this project!
It's the Purpose driven project.
We do the Dutch version of it. The book is such a eye opener!
That's why my scrapping is a little low these days!
I finished the album for my uncle and ount. They married and I made the photo's. Here are some of the layouts I made for their album!I am so glad they liked the album! It took me many hours making it, and I am so glad it turned out well!
My latest layout is for my son Daan.
This picture is taken last summer near Lac leman in France...
So beautiful! the area is awesome, but this pictureis WOW!
He often doesn't want to be on a picture. I took this one without his knwolege!
Now it's hanging on my scrapplace wall!
he loves it also!
Gepost door
woensdag, maart 19, 2008
friends responded